Enhancing von Neumann entropy by chaos in spin–orbit entanglement
Liu Chen-Rong1, Yu Pei1, Chen Xian-Zhang1, Xu Hong-Ya2, Huang Liang1, †, Lai Ying-Cheng2, 3

Dependence of the indicators of spin coherence and the degree of entanglement on Fermi energy and spin–orbit coupling strength. (a) and (c) Three-dimensional display of the magnitude of the spin polarization vector | P | and van Neumann entropy S versus the Fermi energy ε f and the spin–orbit coupling strength tso for the cavity shape marked as in Fig. 1, where the classical dynamics are fully chaotic. (b) and (d) Similar 3D plot but for the case marked as in Fig. 1, where the classical dynamics are of the mixed type. (e) The value of | P | averaged over a relatively large interval of the Fermi energy versus tso for case (solid curve) and case (dashed curve). (f) The corresponding average value of entropy S versus tso for the cases in (e). Both ε f and tso are measured in units of t0, the hopping energy of any pair of nearest sites in the square lattice as a result of discretization of the two-dimensional Schrödinger equation.