Manipulating transition of a two-component Bose–Einstein condensate with a weak δ-shaped laser
Li Bo1, 2, Jiang Xiao-Jun1, Li Xiao-Lin1, †, Hai Wen-Hua3, Wang Yu-Zhu1

(a) The transition probabilities of P 9,10 (black line) and P 8,9 (red line) after 50 kicks with N = 20, ν = 0.01 , γ = 50 , and g = 10. (b) The specific evolution processes of the transition probabilities with T = 2 π / 240 (resonant situation) and T = 0.04 (off-resonant situation) respectively (assuming a trap frequency ω 0 of 2 π × 10 kHz). P j , i expresses the probability of transiting from initial state l , i to l , j , and all the variables are dimensionless.