Laser scattering, transmittance and low thermal expansion behaviors in Y 2 x (ZnLi)xMo3O12 by forming regular grains
Liu Xian-Sheng1, Cheng Yong-Guang2, Yuan Bao-He3, Liang Er-Jun4, †, Zhang Wei-Feng1, ‡

(a) The TG curves and (b) relative length changes of Y2−x(LiZn)xMo3O12 with different contents of (LiZn). (c) Different effects of absorbed water and crystal water release on the thermal expansion property of Y2Mo3O12: left axis presents the relative length change of Y2Mo3O12; right axis presents the TG of Y2Mo3O12. (d) Schematic diagram of the effect of (LiZn) substitutions on crystal water.