Laser scattering, transmittance and low thermal expansion behaviors in Y 2 x (ZnLi)xMo3O12 by forming regular grains
Liu Xian-Sheng1, Cheng Yong-Guang2, Yuan Bao-He3, Liang Er-Jun4, †, Zhang Wei-Feng1, ‡

(a)–(e) Red laser scattering and transmittance pictures of Y2−x(LiZn)xMo3O12 with x=0.3, 0.7, 1.0, 1.2, and 1.8. The laser beam is focused on the upper surface center of the pellets. The diameters of the pellets are about 0.8 cm. The heights of the pellets are about (a) 5 mm, (b) 5 mm, (c) 6 mm, (d) 5 mm, and (e) 6 mm. (f) Schematic diagram of laser scattering and transmittance in the ceramic grains.