Lorentz transmission electron microscopy for magnetic skyrmions imaging
Tang Jin1, Kong Lingyao2, Wang Weiwei3, †, Du Haifeng1, 3, Tian Mingliang1, 2

Experimental procedure to obtain the magnetic flux for a FeGe nanodisk: (a) the sample was analyzed at room temperature to acquire the electrostatic (mean inner potential) contribution because the Curie temperature of FeGe was only 278 K, (b) total phase image (containing both the mean inner potential and magnetic contribution) recorded at T ∼95 K, (c), magnetic contribution to the phase obtained by evaluating the difference between the phase images recorded at room temperature and at 95 K, and (d) magnetic induction map of the FeGe nanostrip with a diameter of 160 nm. Data for this procedure are from Zheng.[26]