Effects of CeO2 and nano-ZrO2 agents on the crystallization behavior and mechanism of CaO–Al2O3–MgO–SiO2-based glass ceramics
Zhang Yan1, 2, Shi Yu3, Zhang Xuefeng3, Hu Fengxia1, 2, Sun Jirong1, 2, Zhao Tongyun1, 2, Shen Baogen1, 2, †

(a) The SEM images of sample A in three different position areas, as indicated by the red circles. (b) and (c) The SEM micrographs of the interface between the crystallization region and the glass matrix of samples B and C; EDS-mappings of different elements correspond to the marked white rectangular boxes; the atomic percentage corresponding to statistical average of the points is indicated by the cross on the SEM image.