Adsorption behavior of triphenylene on Ru(0001) investigated by scanning tunneling microscopy
Jing Li-Wei1, Song Jun-Jie3, Zhang Yu-Xi4, Chen Qiao-Yue1, Huang Kai-Kai1, Zhang Han-Jie1, †, He Pi-Mo1, 2, ‡

(a) Schematic structural model of TP molecule (top view and side view) and one of the 3-fold axes is sketched as a dashed arrow. (b) Large-scale STM image for ∼0.3 ML of TP molecules on Ru(0001) (200 nm ×200 nm, Vtip =−0.743 V, I = 0.915 nA). (c) Overview STM image of intermediate products after annealing the sample at 500 K (120 nm×120 nm, Vtip =-0.215 V, I = 0.915 nA). (d) The close-up of the region outlined by the white square frame showing a few protruding bright spots without regular shapes in (c) (20 nm×20 nm, Vtip =−0.215 V, I = 0.915 nA). (e) Line profile along the gray line in (d), and (f) STM image of the graphitized nanoflakes formed after annealing ∼0.3 ML of TP molecules on Ru(0001) at 600 K (120 nm×120 nm, Vtip=−0.203 V, I = 0.915 nA).