Isostructural phase transition-induced bulk modulus multiplication in dopant-stabilized ZrO2 solid solution
Wang Min1, Shen Wen-Shu1, Li Xiao-Dong2, Li Yan-Chun2, Zhang Guo-Zhao1, Liu Cai-Long1, Zhao Lin1, Lv Shu-Peng1, Gao Chun-Xiao1, Han Yong-Hao1, †

(a) and (b) Pressure dependence of the lattice constants and the unit cell volume of the cubic ZrO2/Y2O3. (c) and (d) Isothermal compression curves of ZrO2/Y2O3 at ambient temperature in two different pressure stages. The red line is a second-order Birch–Murnaghan fit to the experimental data.