Dramatic change of the self-diffusions of colloidal ellipsoids by hydrodynamic interactions in narrow channels
Li Han-Hai1, 2, Zheng Zhong-Yu1, 2, †, Xie Tian1, 2, Wang Yu-Ren1, 2, ‡

(a)–(e) The value of n ( t ) / N for various cases as a function of t: p= (a) 1.8, (b) 2.2, (c) 2,8, (d) 5,2, and (e) 7.5. Line colors correspond to different initial intervals, the dashed lines correspond to the movement that ellipsoids move away from each other, and the dotted lines correspond to the close one. (f) n all ( t ) / N all for all values of p. Line colors correspond to different p values.