Memory effect evaluation based on transmission matrix calculation
Li Ming, Fang Long-Jie, Pang Lin

The focal points after optimization through strongly scattering media. The independently controlled number of segments of the SLM is 64 × 64 = 4096. From (a) to (h), each time the focal point on the screen moves by 24 μ m . In (h)–(l), the focal point totally moves by 8 × 24 μ m = 192 μ m , 16 × 24 μ m = 384 μ m , 17 × 24 μ m = 408 μ m , 18 × 24 μ m = 432 μ m , and 19 × 24 μ m = 456 μ m , respectively. The focal points in (a)–(h) are in the range of memory effect, while those in (i)–(l) are out of the range of memory effect.