Ramsey-coherent population trapping Cs atomic clock based on lin∥lin optical pumping with dispersion detection
Cheng Peng-Fei1, 2, Zhang Jian-Wei2, 3, †, Wang Li-Jun1, 2, 3, ‡

Optimization of the optical pumping and free evolution periods of times tp and T. (a) Black squares represent the measured amplitude of the Ramsey signal (Amp) for different pumping times, while the red solid line represents the exponential fitting. (b) Black squares represent the measured amplitudes of the Ramsey signal at different free evolution times, where the amplitude decreases with increasing T because of the decoherence of the dark state. The red circles represent Δ ν , which is approximately 1/2T. The blue triangles represent the calculated values of Δ ν / Amp . The lines drawn in panel (b) are simply connections between the dots. The optimal tp and T values are measured to be 500 μ s and 2 ms, respectively.