Time-dependent first-principles study of optical response of BaTiO3 quantum dots coupled with silver nanowires
Han Bo-Xun1, Zhang Hong1, 2, †

Linear response (optical absorption) of (a) 2×2×1 BTO–QDs, 2×2×1 BTO–QDs/Ag, and silver nanowire. (b) Linear response (optical absorption) of 3×3×1 BTO–QDs, 3×3×1 BTO–QDs/Ag, and silver nanowire. Impulse excitation polarized in x-axis direction. Fourier transformations of the induced charge density distribution in the Ba–O plane (z = 0 plane) at resonance point of (c) 4.07 eV for 2×2×1 BTO, (d) 4.97 eV for 3×3×1 BTO, (e) 1.12 eV for 2×2×1 BTO/Ag, (f) 4.07 eV for BTO/Ag, (g) 1.17 eV for 3×3×1 BTO/Ag, and (h) 4.96 eV for 3×3×1 BTO/Ag, respectively.