Real-space observation on standing configurations of phenylacetylene on Cu (111) by scanning probe microscopy
Qi Jing1, Gao Yi-Xuan1, Huang Li1, †, Lin Xiao1, Dong Jia-Jia2, Du Shi-Xuan1, 3, ‡, Gao Hong-Jun1, 3

AFM simulations of PA on Cu (111) substrate. (a) Phenylvinylidene model and (b)–(d) its corresponding AFM simulations at different imaging heights. (e) Styrene derivative model and (f)–(h) its corresponding AFM simulations at different imaging heights. Heights used in calculations are marked on the top right of each simulated image. Scale bars: 0.5 nm. Insets in panels (f)–(h) used for comparison show experimental nc-AFM images in Figs. 2(b)2(d), respectively.