Relationship between characteristic lengths and effective Saffman length in colloidal monolayers near a water–oil interface
Li Na1, Zhang Wei2, Chen Wei1, ‡

(a) Comparison between the friction coefficients Γ ( 1 ) calculated from D s ( n ) and the friction coefficients Γ , ( 2 ) of the three samples S1 (black pentagon), S2 (red dot), and S3 (purple star) on a log–log plot. The solid dots correspond to Γ ( 2 ) , and the open dots correspond to Γ ( 2 ) . The cyan line is the guide for the eye, where the slope of the line is 1.0. In the inset, a comparison is shown between the friction coefficients Γ ( 2 ) and Γ ( 2 ) on a log–log plot. The cyan line is the guide for the eye, where the slope of the line is 1.0. (b) The friction coefficient Γ ( 2 ) obtained from R = λ s follows a power-law relationship with the friction coefficient Γ ( 1 ) for the three samples. The cyan lines represent fits of the form Γ ( 2 ) ( Γ ( 1 ) ) 2 / 3 . (c) Relationship between the characteristic lengths R and R scaled by the particle radius a for the three samples on a log–log plot. The green line is the fit to R / a = ( R / a ) 3 / 2 .