Relationship between characteristic lengths and effective Saffman length in colloidal monolayers near a water–oil interface
Li Na1, Zhang Wei2, Chen Wei1, ‡

Measured correlated diffusion coefficients D / D s ( n ) (a) and D / D s ( n ) (b) as functions of r/(2a) for sample S1 at different particle area fractions n on a log–log plot. The concentration n ranges from 0.007 to 0.20, and the friction coefficient of the particle monolayer ranges from 0.06 cP · μ m to 3.53 cP · μ m . The differently colored symbols represent different values of n and different viscosity coefficients, where the black squares correspond to n 0.007 and the maroon inverted triangles correspond to n 0.020 . The dashed lines are guides for the eye, corresponding to 1 / r in panel (a) and to 1 / r 2 in panel (b).