Energetic few-cycle pulse compression in gas-filled hollow core fiber with concentric phase mask
Zhao Yu1, 2, Huang Zhi-Yuan1, 2, Zhao Rui-Rui1, 2, Wang Ding1, †, Leng Yu-Xin1, ‡

Temporal power profiles of compressed pulses with different input energy values: (a) 5.0 mJ, (b) 10.0 mJ, (c) 15.0 mJ, and (d) 20.0 mJ. Durations of compressed pulses are 7.5 fs, 4.9 fs, 9.8 fs, and 9.2 fs with GDD compensation of −50 fs2, −38 fs2, −38 fs2, −39 fs2 shown in panels (a)–(d), while TOD compensation for output pulses is 80 fs3.