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Speckle patterns are a fundamental tool in a variety of physical and optical applications. Here, we investigate a method of precisely tuning the intensity statistics of random speckle patterns into a desirable pattern that possesses the same spatial correlation length and similar statistics distribution. This tuning mechanism relies on the derivation of the transform function and transmission matrix, which achieves different contrasts while maintaining the same average value or energy level. The statistics properties of the generated speckle patterns are further investigated by analyzing the standard deviation under different fitting parameters. Precisely tuning the intensity statistics of random speckle patterns could be useful for both fundamental research and practical applications, such as microscopy, imaging, and optical manipulation.
Speckle patterns appear whenever a coherent wave interacts with a scattering or disordered medium.[1,2] In recent decades, the speckle phenomena have been employed in a variety of applications, such as speckle spectroscopy,[3] dynamic speckle illumination microscopy,[4,5] and super-resolution imaging.[6,7] Normally, the intensity statistics of random speckle patterns satisfies the Rayleigh distribution because its total field is the summation of a bunch of partial waves whose amplitudes are independently varied and phases are uniformly distributed within the range from 0 to 2π.[8–12] The wave–field joint probability density function (PDF) of this original speckle pattern is a negative exponential function, which means that with the increase of the intensity, its corresponding probability decays rapidly.[11–13] However, in many practical applications a non-Rayleigh intensity PDF statistics is very attractive and desirable. In previous studies,[14] the generated non-Rayleigh speckle patterns are either under-developed or partially coherent. Nieuwenhuizen et al.[15] addressed that multiple scattering could introduce mesoscopic correlations which modify Rayleigh statistics due to strong fluctuations in the total power transmitted through the medium. So far, the tailored speckle statistics has experimentally realized multiple negative-exponentially-like functions with different decaying rates, while the intensity PDFs of the generated speckle patterns are still monotonically decreasing.
In this work, we present a method of tuning the intensity statistics of random Rayleigh speckle patterns by a local intensity transformation according to the transform function. We start with the original speckle pattern whose intensity PDF satisfies the Rayleigh distribution statistics. Then, the local intensity transformation is deduced from the Gaussian distribution and performed to generate a desirable intensity PDF while maintaining the similar statistics properties such as average intensity value, spatial correlation length, and statistical distribution. Meanwhile, a thorough investigation of the statistical properties for four typical intensity PDFs is performed, which shows that this work could provide a flexible and versatile chance for a variety of optical applications in microscopy, imaging, and optical manipulation.
In our scheme, the system could be composed of a laser source, an iris, a spatial light modulator (SLM), a lens, and an image detector. The iris is employed to spatially filter the laser beam while the following lens transforms it into a parallel beam. This combination guarantees the generated Gaussian beam with random phases uniformly and vertically illuminating onto the SLM plate. The most important component is the SLM plate which could locally modulate the phases of the transmitted beam and consequently modify the corresponding intensity. Its operation region is a square array of macropixels, which further consists of a square array of smaller pixels. As the transparency of each pixel can be set by the software, the SLM plate could modulate the phases (intensity) of the transmitted beam at the pixel scale. These pixels function as scattering elements and correspond to the sources of different partial waves. The actual number of pixels which form the speckle patterns should satisfy the Nyquist sampling theorem: the spatial correlation length is at least twice of that of the adjacent sampling channels (pixels). The SLM is then set by a phase matrix, which modulates the phase front of the original beam and locally transforms the transmitted intensity. The intensity PDF of the Gaussian beam on the SLM complies with a Rayleigh distribution statistics of
![]() | Fig. 2. The generated speckle patterns in the (a) linear increasing and (b) uniform intensity PDF cases. |
Limited by the experimental imperfections, the theoretical calibration matrix Tt deviates from the actual matrix Ta. Their relationships with the original electric-field distribution Eo and the corresponding intensities of Id and Ie are
According to the local intensity transformation method described above, we first investigate two typical kinds of intensity PDFs, which are very different from that of the Rayleigh statistics (
By setting into the SLM plate, the transmission matrix is a fast way to transfer the original Rayleigh speckle into the target pattern. Normally, the measurement of transmission matrix could be realized by a common path interference method.[13,15–17] In the simulation here, we perform the local intensity transformation and normalize both of the intensity distributions to one. The corresponding transmission matrix could be constructed by the product of the generated intensity distribution and the inversed original intensity distribution.[3] Because the transmission matrix corresponds to the unique transfer function, it could be regarded as a fingerprint for certain transformations or adopted to other transformation systems.
To further investigate the statistical properties of this transformation method, we characterize both of the statistics distribution
For further extension, we also transplant this method to the half-peak (case 3) and full-peak (case 4) intensity PDFs, which are curves and different from those in Section
We have investigated a method to precisely tune the intensity statistics of random speckle patterns. The generated speckle patterns indeed show radically different topologies but their spatial correlation length and statistical distribution maintain unchanged. The statistical properties (such as the contrast and standard deviation) of four typical intensity PDFs are thoroughly analyzed and compared with the ideal cases, which show a great potential for speckle transformation and manipulation. By precisely tuning the intensity statistics of random speckle patterns into a non-Rayleigh statistics, the generated patterns are of great importance for both fundamental research and practical applications.
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