Particle–hole fluctuations and possible superconductivity in doped α-RuCl3
Wang Bin-Bin1, Wang Wei1, Yu Shun-Li1, 2, †, Li Jian-Xin1, 2, ‡

Static susceptibilities and superconducting gap functions for different electron concentrations: (a), (d), (g) ne=9.8, (b), (e), (h) ne=9.7, and (c), (f), (i) ne=9.6. The up panel shows the jeff = 1/2 pseudospin susceptibilities S zz (blue), S xx (green), S yy (red), S xy (magenta), and the largest eigenvalue of χ ^ defined in Eq. (3) (black) along the Γ MK Γ path. Middle panel: the distribution of the sum of the pseudospin susceptibility η S η η ( q ) in the first Brillouin zone. Panels (g), (h), and (i) are the pairing functions for ne=9.8, ne=9.7, and ne=9.6, respectively.