Effect of terahertz pulse on gene expression in human eye cells
Zhao Jin-Wu1, 4, He Ming-Xia1, 4, †, Dong Li-Jie2, Li Shao-Xian1, 3, Liu Li-Yuan1, 3, Bu Shao-Chong2, Ouyang Chun-Mei1, 3, Wang Peng-Fei1, 4, Sun Long-Ling1, 4

Schematic representation of experimental setup for exposure of cells to THz pulse radiation, displaying tilted-pulse-front THz pulse source. The THz beam is directed by flat metallic mirror to propagate to bottom surface of 12-well culture plate. M, PM, and λ / 2 represent flat mirror, paraboloidal mirror, and half-wave plate, respectively.