Laser-assisted Stark deceleration of CaF in its rovibronic ground (high-field-seeking) state
Gu Yuefeng1, Chen Kai1, Huang Yunxia1, †, Yang Xiaohua1, 2, ‡

TOF signals of the present laser-assisted Stark deceleration (LSD) scheme (in red) of the | 0 , 0 state and of the traditional Stark deceleration (SD) scheme (in black) of the | 4 , 0 state of CaF molecules after 80 deceleration stages, where the down arrows denote the slowed molecular packages, and the achieved velocity ( υ final ), and the relative molecules (η) of the two schemes are also denoted. The insets plot the phase-space acceptance of the two compared schemes after 80 slowing stages.