Efficient doping modulation of monolayer WS2 for optoelectronic applications*

Project supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant No. 21405109) and Seed Foundation of State Key Laboratory of Precision Measurement Technology and Instruments, China (Grant No. 1710).

Ma Xinli, Zhang Rongjie, An Chunhua, Wu Sen, Hu Xiaodong, Liu Jing

Electrical properties of the chemically doped WS2 FETs. (a) Schematic illustration of the chemical doping mechanism. (b), (c) Transfer characteristic curves of WS2 FET in (b) linear and (c) logarithmic scale before and after PPh3 coating. (d) Output characteristics of PPh3-doped WS2 FET. (e), (f) Transfer characteristic curves of WS2 FET in (e) linear and (f) logarithmic scale before and after AuCl3 coating. (g) Output characteristics of AuCl3-doped WS2 FET.