Spin torque nano-oscillators with a perpendicular spin polarizer*

Project supported by the National Basic Research Program of China (Grant No. 2015CB921501) and the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant Nos. 11774260, 51671057, and 11874120).

Zheng Cuixiu1, Chen Hao-Hsau2, Zhang Xiangli2, Zhang Zongzhi2, Liu Yaowen1, †

(a)–(c) Digital FSK modulation based on PERP-STNO operated by current pulse only. (a) Magnetization precession trajectories at two current pulses of I0 = 0.1 mA and I1 = 2 mA, respectively. The pulse duration is 10 ns. (b) Frequency spectra of the two precession states calculated by FFT transformation. (c) The evolution of x-component of magnetization. (d)–(f) Digital FSK modulation implemented through the collaborative operation between the current and field pulses. The magnetization precessions are forced into the orbit with mz = 0. (d) Magnetization precession trajectories at (I1, hz1) and (I2, hz2), corresponding to the bits “0” and “1”, respectively. (e) The frequency spectra of the two precession states. (f) The time evolution of mx and mz response to the current and field pulses.