Spin torque nano-oscillators with a perpendicular spin polarizer*

Project supported by the National Basic Research Program of China (Grant No. 2015CB921501) and the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant Nos. 11774260, 51671057, and 11874120).

Zheng Cuixiu1, Chen Hao-Hsau2, Zhang Xiangli2, Zhang Zongzhi2, Liu Yaowen1, †

(a) Schematic pendulum models in the uniform gravity and driven by a tangential force. (b) The phase diagrams of the static and oscillation free layer magnetization states as functions of current and field. The theory predications of the critical currents Ic and Ib for OP precession are indicated by red and olive curves, respectively. The corresponding simulation results are indicated by the blue and black squares. P and AP denote the parallel state and antiparallel state with respective to the IP analyzer, respectively. (c) Simulated OP magnetization precession of the free layer on the unit sphere phase plane for two combinations of currents I and applied fields hz.