Spin torque nano-oscillators with a perpendicular spin polarizer*

Project supported by the National Basic Research Program of China (Grant No. 2015CB921501) and the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant Nos. 11774260, 51671057, and 11874120).

Zheng Cuixiu1, Chen Hao-Hsau2, Zhang Xiangli2, Zhang Zongzhi2, Liu Yaowen1, †

(a) Schematic of a STNO with an in-plane magnetized free layer MF and a perpendicular spin polarizer MP. The positive current J supports the parallel configuration of MF and MP, which is defined as the current flowing from the free layer to the polarizer layer. (b) Schematic of STT-driven OP magnetization precession orbit, which is dependent of the applied current direction and amplitude. The blue arrow and black arrow indicate the Slonczewisk’s torque (TSTT) and field-like spin torque (TFL), respectively. The purple arrow denotes the damping torque. Panels (c) and (d) show the simulated typical magnetization precession and the corresponding oscillation frequency, respectively.