Graphene-like Be3X2 (X = C, Si, Ge, Sn): A new family of two-dimensional topological insulators*

Project supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant Nos. 11674136 and 11564022), the Thousand Talents Plan — the Recruitment Program for Young Professionals, China (Grant No. 1097816002), Yunnan Province for Recruiting High-Caliber Technological Talents, China (Grant No. 1097816002), Reserve Talents for Yunnan Young and Middle-aged Academic and Technical Leaders, China (Grant No. 2017HB010), the Academic Qinglan Project of Kunming University of Science and Technology (KUST), China (Grant No. 1407840010), the Analysis and Testing Fund of KUST, China (Grant No. 2017M20162230010), and the High-level Talents of KUST, China (Grant No. 1411909425).

Song Lingling1, Zhang Lizhi2, Guan Yurou1, Lu Jianchen1, Yan Cuixia1, †, Cai Jinming1, ‡

Electronic properties of Be3Sn2. (a) Band structures with (black line) and without (blue dash) SOC. (b) Projected density of states without considering SOC. (c) Zoom-in figure around K points of the band structures considering the SOC. (d) The semi-infinite Dirac edge states around the Fermi level.