† Corresponding author. E-mail:
This study presents a systematic review of the literature pertaining to dye-sensitized solar cells (DSSCs), in order to anticipate the direction and speed of change in technology trend. To study the general progression in DSSC research, we have assessed the evolution in annual DSSCs publications and their citations. Further, in order to identify the intellectual bases, we have also classified the journals, authors, institutes, and countries according to their scientific productivity in the field of DSSCs research during the period of 2007–2017.
In the past few decades, extensive R&D efforts have been directed in the field of eco-benign renewable energy research.[1–4] This immense research progress is stimulated by the growing global concerns regarding irreversible climate change, increased energy demand, and depletion of conventional fossil fuels.[5–7] By far, the photovoltaic technology has the highest potential among all the renewable energies.[8–12] For the promotion of social transformation and economic development, a strong and consolidated photovoltaic technology base is definitely vital.[13] The phenomenal research and innovation realized in solar cell devices have provided several environmentally friendly, technically and economically credible alternative concepts to the classical inorganic solid-state devices.[14–18] Among these, the dye-sensitized solar cells (DSSCs) are envisaged to be prominent third generation solar cells which exhibit superior photovoltaic performance both regarding conversion efficiency and long-term stability.[19–21] Also, DSSCs offer the prospect of the low budget, eco-benign, and simple fabrication process that has facilitated its commercialization remarkably.[21,22]
The intense global competition in innovation activities about DSSC research field has resulted in the rapid and vast amount of publications. It is therefore crucially important for researchers, policymakers, and industrial communities to analyze these scientific breakthroughs and catch up in global innovation race by (i) identifying the core research themes on DSSC technology and (ii) developing the framework for future macro-level trends in the policy, market, and semiconductor industry. Bibliometrics, which takes advantages of the modern technologies in computer engineering, database management, and statistics, is a powerful and flexible tool to analyze such vast volume of academic outputs in a way that individuals cannot handle. Bibliometric information, i.e., scientific publications, patents, and citations, constitutes an adequate information source for mapping the scientific and technological fields.[23] Also, bibliometrics benefits researchers enormously by providing them a structured approach to (i) recognize future academic collaborators, (ii) identify the appropriate institutes to pursue their academic degrees, and (iii) detect emerging research domains, thereby supporting the development of scientific and technological innovation.[24–27] Further, bibliometrics allows policymakers and industrial communities to explore, organize, and analyze massive amounts of experimental data, thereby facilitating the decision-making process and forecasting emerging technologies.
In the past, a number of academic studies have been conducted to assess and evaluate the progression of research and technological development in the field of solar energy in general. Garg and Sharma performed an analysis of the output of global literature (scanned in Engineering Index) during 1970–1984 on solar power research.[28] The authors observed an impressive growth in the volume of scientific publications after the energy crisis in 1973 till 1982. Du et al. also used bibliometric methods to examine the characteristics of the solar energy literature (based on SCI and SSCI databases) from 1992 to 2011.[29] They highlighted that the pace of publishing in this field increased exponentially over these two decades, with the US accounting for the highest number of publications (1273), followed by China and India. Similarly, Dong et al. (2012) assessed the situation and tendencies of solar energy research (based on SCI database) between 1991 and 2010.[27] Their study revealed that dye-sensitized solar cells and organic solar cells had extremely high increasing rates, which indicated that more attention was paid to kinds of eco-benign organic solar cells.
It is, however, pertinent to mention that these aforementioned bibliometric studies used “solar cells”, “photovoltaic systems”, “solar energy”, and “solar power plants” as keywords. Therefore, these studies encompass an only limited number of publications that exist in the subfield DSSC research field. In literature, there have been quite limited strives with specific emphasis on DSSC technology to evaluate their growing body of knowledge in recent years.[30] This has resulted in a lack of full capture on recent research achievements in the field of DSSC technology. This study aims to implement bibliometric analytical techniques to assemble and analyze the academic landscape of DSSC research on a global scale. Herein, we intend to analyze the status and global trends of research activities within the DSSC research by reviewing the scientific papers published in the period from 2007 to November 2017. The temporal development of scholarly outputs, publication statistics, and geographical distribution of authors, institutions, and organizations with significant contribution in the field of DSSC research are specifically investigated in the present study.
The methodology used in the present study is based on the online database of the Science Citation Index Expanded (SCI-EXPANDED) compiled by the Institute for Scientific Information (ISI). It has been retrieved from the Thomson Reuters Web of Science (accessed on 30th November, 2017 from the University of Malaya, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia). The SCI-EXPANDED from Web of Science databases has been selected because it is one of the best sources for citation data and frequently used course database choice for an analysis of scientific publications.[31,32] Further, it allows the facile refinement of results regarding countries, organizations, authors, and journals (source titles).
In the present study, we have used the following queries, “dye* sensitized* solar* cell* or DSSC* (where * means wildcard), to search the titles within the top fifteen categories of Web of Science (during the time frame of 2007 to November 2017). This above set of keywords has been determined specifically by the authors to include a maximum coverage of research papers about dye-sensitized solar cells. However, it is also pertinent to mention that we have also incorporated few restrictions in queries, viz., ”Distributed switch and stay combining (DSSC*)”, ”DSSC* detector”, ”DSSC* 1Megapixel detector”, ”DSSC* X-ray imager”, ”the DSSC* Chip”, ”XFEL-DSSC* Project”, and ”DSSC* Pixel Readout ASIC” to avoid noise (non-relevant papers).
Windows of opportunity for technology development appear and change as novel and revolutionary technologies are introduced, hence early detection of these changes in technological surroundings is a critical factor in technology forecasting.[33] The strategic analysis of global technology foresight is in fact an integrated and comprehensive tool to be used by academic researchers and policy makers in decision making processes. It is envisaged to be a crucial approach in identifying strategic national demands and grasping the global trend of innovative technology.[34] It enables organizations, ranging from the multinational level (e.g., the European Union) to the individual level (e.g., a research center), to build roadmaps depicting their strategies to discover rational ways to develop technology and innovation policies when facing social and economic development uncertainties.[35,36] It further allows for the anticipation of technological ruptures, discontinuities, new perspectives, and opportunities in a given time horizon.
Daim et al. have however previously claimed that forecasting an emerging technology is daunting task as there is no historical data available, however in such cases the use of bibliometrics may provide useful data.[37] Hence accordingly, in the present study the international trends in DSSC technology have been analyzed using bibliometric approach. In total, there were 10484 research items pertaining to DSSC research field in the ISI web database between 2007 and November 2017, with eleven document types. Specifically, there were 9489 research articles comprising 90.51% of the total production, followed by proceedings papers (379, 3.61%), meeting abstracts (298, 2.84%), and reviews (215, 2.05%). The other research items with less significant percentage were corrections (70), editorial materials (11), letters (7), news items (7), book chapters (5), retracted publications (2), and retraction (1). Since, the original research articles and reviews were frequently used document types and were also peer-reviewed. Therefore, both of them (9704 total publications with h-index = 187) were used for further analysis in the present bibliometric study.
The publications and citations trends related to DSSC research field within 2007 to November 2017 timeframe are depicted in Figs.
![]() | Fig. 1. The progression in annual (a) global research publications and (b) cumulative citations of DSSC publications along the study period (2007 to November 2017). |
Interestingly, while characterizing the basic performance of scholarly outputs during the study period, it has been observed that the number of DSSC publications has decreased during 2014 to November 2017, as depicted in Fig.
Based on these aforementioned results, a review of technology foresight activities in organic–inorganic hybrid perovskites solar cells may be the future research agenda. It is particularly attractive in terms of governmental practices and policy applications, which may provide some potential implications for technology foresight practices and in identifying directions for future research initiatives related to organic–inorganic hybrid perovskites solar cells.
![]() | Table 1. Fifteen most frequently cited articles in the field of DSSC research along the study period. . |
From the data analysis, it has been found that 4397 articles were published by top 15 journals which account for about 45.3% of the total publications. Table
![]() | Table 2. Top fifteen productive journals in the field of DSSC research along the study period. . |
The top 15 authors acknowledged for making their potential contributions to the DSSC research field are listed in Table
![]() | Table 3. Top fifteen most productive authors in the field of DSSC research along the study period. . |
Among the top most productive institutes in DSSC, eight institutes are from China, four from South Korea, and one institute each from Switzerland, Sweden, and Singapore. The Chinese Academy of Sciences (China, Asia) has the maximum contribution with 591 articles (h-index = 70) in the total volume of publications, followed by the Ecole Polytechnique Federale De Lausanne (EPFL) in Switzerland (318 articles, 119 h-index). The higher output of DSSC research in Chinese Academy of Science is not surprising since in the past China’s total expenditure on research and development (R&D) has been increasing by about 20% per year.[46] However, it is also pertinent to mention here that the Chinese Academy of Sciences is an integrated research center consisting of many relatively independent institutes distributed across China, thus their publication productivity is particularly notable. Interestingly, National University of Singapore (NUS) is the most productive university in the South-East Asian region. NUS ranked 14th in the global most productive institute’s list with 115 DSSC related publications and 41 h-index. This performance of NUS should be seen in the light of the substantial scientific R&D funding in the Singapore federal budget.
![]() | Fig. 2. Regional contribution (of top 14 productive countries) in the field of DSSC research along the study period. |
![]() | Table 4. Top fourteen productive countries in the field of DSSC research along the study period. . |
From the perspective of socio-economic development, it is well known that science and technology policies have integrated with policies in other fields by means of their relation to economy and to the transformation of societies. Pelaiz A L has previously claimed that the technology plays an indispensable role in the evolution of society and of current economies, to the point that it has now become a central element of economic evolution.[49] For global development and prosperity, international academic cooperation is of prime importance since the developing countries with backward technologies can learn advanced experiences from the developed countries. Consequently, through synergistic collaborative efforts, the researchers may enhance their understandings, share ideas, and seek innovative solutions to research problems. Based on the statistics for various countries, the People’s Republic of China has played a pivotal role in the collaboration network of the top 14 productive countries. It had research collaborations with nine top productive countries. Among them, the research cooperation between China and US is particularly notable, rising to the first place in intensity. Spain’s relatively limited amount of DSSC related research publications accounts for its peripheral location in this network diagram, and the thin lines connecting it to other countries.
The speed and scope of development in dye-sensitized solar cell research make it critical for researchers and policymakers to overview the global DSSC research and predict the dynamics of the investigation. In the past, there have been quite limited strives to study the recent progression in DSSC research. Under such a circumstance, this bibliometric study fills the research gap by reviewing the status of DSSC research published globally across various research domains and different institutions from 2007 to 2017. It has been observed that the annual global publications have increased significantly from 2007 to 2014 and then interestingly slight decrease in the number of publications has been observed during 2014 to November 2017. Specifically, the highest number of DSSC research articles published in 2014 accounted for 15.03% of the total number of articles during 2007–2017 timespan. The language analysis reveals that English has been the dominant language of DSSC publications accounting for 9582 records (∼ 98.75%). The present study has further identified the most frequently cited DSSC publication, core journals, prominent researchers, and key worldwide institutes contributing towards DSSC research. International cooperation network analysis has also been conducted wherein, the collaborative relationship between China and US has been found to be particularly notable. We believe that this study will benefit early stage researchers by helping them firstly, understand the panorama of recent global DSSC research and secondly, identify the potential researchers/institutes to capitalize on the mutual synergistic collaborations. Also, since the industry is also highly dependent upon recent research endeavors, therefore, this study should interest the policymakers in industries to predict future DSSC industrial growth. This study also concludes by highlighting directions for future research activities towards emerging organic-inorganic hybrid perovskite solar cells technology. Specifically, based on the recently reported high power conversion efficiency of the perovskite solar cells, the authors opine that the aforementioned emerging technology may be a potential theme that calls out for further analysis in future.
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