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The transport and thermoelectric properties together with annealing of the new layered Bi-chalcogenide LaOBiHgS3 are studied. On the transport part, the insulating behavior of the as-grown sample is evidently depressed by post annealing. A hump-like abnormality appears around 170 K. The thermoelectric performance of the sample is observably improved by the annealing, mainly because of the enhanced electrical conductance. The present results suggest that the physical properties of LaOBiHgS3 are sensitive to post annealing and the possible micro adjustments that follow, indicating the layered Bi-chalcogenide family to be an ideal platform for designing novel functional materials.
The search for and exploitation of new sustainable energy sources have always been the focus of attention for human society, especially in the present circumstances, as the traditional nonrenewable energy sources are becoming increasingly exhausted. Amongst the many options, thermoelectric devices, i.e., devices that convert thermal energy into electrical energy, have been favored for their high stability, long service life, and zero release of greenhouse gases. To have the technique widely utilized in social and industrial activities, practical thermoelectric materials with high efficiency are desirable.
Not long ago, promising thermoelectric properties were discovered in the BiS2-based layered material.[1–5] With the simple layered structure of alternating conducting BiS2 layers and various insulating layers, the electronic structure and physical properties could be effectively tuned by element doping or intercalation.[6] The thermoelectric performance is usually judged by the dimensionless figure of merit (ZT), with the definition of
Recently, compounds of further intercalation to LaOBiS2 were under intense study. LaOBiPbS3 is one of them, with the rock-salt PbS cubic inserted into the two layered BiS2 conducting layers.[1,9] By means of synchrotron x-ray diffraction and neutron diffraction, LaOBiPbS3 was confirmed to own the 4-layer-type conducting layer. The structure is similar to that of the Bi4Te6 conducting layers in CsBi4Te6, another member of the Bi-chalcogenide family.[11] The narrow gap semiconductor (∼100 meV) satisfies both large S and small ρ,[7] which offers good potential for practical application. However, more compounds with various compositions and electronic properties have to be tried out in the series, to obtain a practical thermoelectric material with better performance. In this work, we report the successful synthesis of the LaOBiHgS3 compound, the iso-structure counterpart of LaOBiPbS3. The basic physical properties and effects of vacuum annealing are also displayed and comprehensively discussed.
Polycrystalline samples of LaOBiHgS3 were prepared via the solid-state reaction method. High-purity powder of La2S3, La2O3, Bi, Bi2S3, and HgS were weighed strictly according to the stoichiometric ratio in a glove box filled with inert gas. The mixture was thoroughly ground, pelletized, and sealed into an evacuated quartz tube (below 2×10−5 Pa) before it was heated at 940 K for 25 hours. The sintering process was conducted in ambient pressure. The obtained sample was ground and pelletized again in the inert gas atmosphere for homogenization, and sintered at 1020 K in vacuum quartz tubes for another 25 hours. The annealed samples were selected from the same batch as the as-grown ones. They were heated up to 673 K in vacuum quartz tubes for 6 hours before taking out. The obtained as-grown samples were characterized by powder x-ray diffraction (XRD) utilizing Kα1 radiation. The actual composition of the crystal was determined using x-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) carried out on an x-ray photoelectron spectrometer (ESCALAB 250Xi, Thermo, USA). The dc electrical resistivity measurement was performed using a standard four-probe method with a constant current of 1 mA on the Quantum Design physical properties measurement system (PPMS) from 2 K to 300 K. The electrical resistivity and Seebeck coefficient at higher temperatures were measured simultaneously by a commercial equipment (ULVAC-RICO: ZEM-3, Japan) under He atmosphere. The error bar of the data for either PPMS-9 or ZEM-3 is less than 1%.
In order to determine the crystal structure of the as-grown samples, bulks of crystals are chosen and ground to fine powders for the powder XRD measurements. The XRD patterns are displayed in Fig.
![]() | Table 1.
Element ratio of the LaOBiHgS3 sample determined by XPS. . |
The temperature dependence of the resistivity for LaOBiHgS3 is displayed in Fig.
To evalue the thermoelectric performance of LaOBiHgS3, the temperature dependence of the electrical resistivity and Seebeck coefficient was measured from 300 K to 770 K for the as-grown and the annealed samples, as shown in Figs.
To comprehend the transport transformation of the LaOBiHgS3 sample after annealing, it is beneficial to discuss the effects of different ways of post annealing. Oxygen annealing has been widely utilized in tuning the chemical composition and local physical properties, where removable oxygen atoms are intercalated into the compound during the process. Take the FeTe1−xSx superconductors for instance, the as-grown sample is often non-superconducting because of the excess iron. As mentioned in previous reports, the exchange field of the local ferromagnetic interaction breaks the cooper-pairs, and depresses the superconductivity.[12] While the oxygen intercalated during the annealing process could effectively suppress the local magnetic moment, and therefore, introduces superconductivity.[16,17] It should be mentioned that the extra dose of oxygen is often removable via post vacuum annealing, rendering the FeTe1−xSx superconducting crystals reentering the normal state.
On the other hand, the effects of vacuum annealing are much more diversified. As in the present case, the evident suppression of the insulating behavior might be caused by the complex effects of different factors, and possible reasons are proposed as follows. Firstly, from the perspective of composition change, the increase of the oxygen vacancy (VO) density at high temperaturesshould not be excluded from consideration. As is well known, VOs play a crucial role in tuning the physical properties of oxides. In the present sample, as shown in Fig.
To summarize, we have successfully synthesized a new layered Bi-chalcogenide polycrystal LaOBiHgS3. Through XRD measurement, the crystal structure of LaOBiHgS3 is determined to be categorized into the tetragonal P4/nmm space group, which is similar to that of LaOBiPbS3. The as-grown sample displays typical insulating behavior, and a relatively low thermoelectric performance, with the PF value growing monotonously with ascending temperature above 300 K. By post vacuum annealing, the resistivity is reduced by three orders in magnitude at room temperature, and a hump-like abnormal appears around 170 K. The PF maximum is enhanced observably, reaching
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