The determinant factors for map resolutions obtained using CryoEM single particle imaging method*

Project supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant Nos. 11774011, 11434001, U1530401, and U1430237).

Wang Yihua1, Yu Daqi1, Ouyang Qi1, Liu Haiguang2, †

(color online) Relation between model resolution and data quantity/quality. (a) The model resolution depends on the number of measurements. Two sets of data are plotted with signal to noise ratios (SNR) of 0.2 and 0.4. The lines were obtained by fitting the data points using the Gaussian noise model. R-square values were 0.9946 and 0.9865, respectively. (b) The noise term was combined with the number of projections. The two sets of data in Fig. 3(a) were fitted with a single set of parameters by defining the effective number of projections. R-square of the line is 0.9782. (c) and (d)The same plots as in panels (a) and (b), except that the maps were reconstructed using standard procedures in Relion without using known orientation information. Due to the heavy computing demands for standard reconstructions, a subset of data were investigated in the case of panels (c) and (d), and the sampled region in panel (d) corresponds to the blue shaded area in panel (b).