Temporal pulsed x-ray response of CdZnTe: In detector*

Project supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant Nos. 51702271 and U1631116), the Young and Middle-aged Teachers Education and Scientific Research Foundation of Fujian Province, China (Grant No. JAT170407), the High Level Talent Project of Xiamen University of Technology, China (Grant No.YKJ16016R), and the Fund of the State Key Laboratory of Solidification Processing in NWPU, China (Grant No. SKLSP201741).

Guo Rong-Rong1, 2, Xu Ya-Dong2, †, Zha Gang-Qiang2, Wang Tao2, Jie Wan-Qi2

(color online) (a) Temporal response waveforms as a function of distance r at an identical bias of 150 V, (b) signal amplitude versus x-ray flux, (c) plot of FWHM of signals versus x-ray flux, with solid squares representing experimental data and red solid lines referring to linear and exponential fitting, respectively.