Resonances for positron–helium and positron–lithium systems in kappa-distribution plasma
Jiang Zi-Shi1, Gao Ya-Chen1, †, Kar Sabyasachi2, Ratnavelu Kurunathan3
Key Laboratory of Electronics Engineering, College of Heilongjiang Province, Heilongjiang University, and College of Physical Science and Technology, Heilongjiang University, Harbin 150080, China
Department of Physics, Harbin Institute of Technology, Harbin 150001, China
Department of Mathematics, University of Malaya, Kuala Lampur, Malaysia


† Corresponding author. E-mail:

Project supported by the University Nursing Program for Young Scholars with Creative Talents in Heilongjiang Province, China (Grant No. UNPYSCT- 2015019), the Fundamental Research Funds of Heilongjiang University, Heilongjiang Province, China (Grant No. HDJCCX-201625), the Natural Science Foundation for Distinguished Young Scholars in Heilongjiang University, China (Grant No. JCL201503), and the Natural Science Foundation of Heilongjiang Province, China (Grant No. A2017008).


S-wave resonances of positro–helium and positro–lithium systems in kappa-distribution plasmas are investigated using Hylleraas-type wave functions in the framework of the stabilization method. A model potential approach is used to represent the interactions between the outer electron, the positron and the core. The resonance parameters (position and width) of positro–helium and positro–lithium systems below the Ps(2s) threshold are reported as a function of screening parameter and spectral index of plasma.

1. Introduction

This study aims to present the resonances in positro–atom scattering with kappa-distribution plasmas. During the past few years, the applicability of Lorentzian (or kappa) distribution functions in astrophysical and space environments, such as solar-wind, solar corona, planetary magnetospheres, planetary nebula, supernova magnetospheres has been studied extensively[18] (references therein). In astrophysical and space plasma environments, the velocity distributions of inner particles can be well-described by non-Maxwellian or Lorentzian distribution. The kappa distribution function which was first shown by Vasyliunas[9] can be described in the following form:[1020] where κ is the spectral index of the plasma, m and v are the mass and velocity of the plasma electron, Eκ = [(1−3/2κ)ET] is the characteristic energy in generalized Lorentzian plasma, ET = kB Te, kB is the Boltzmann constant, Te is the electron temperature, and n is the number density. The effective potential for two-body system in kappa-distribution plasma having charges qa and qb can be written as where μκ is the effective screening parameter in kappa-distribution plasma, and μκ can be written as , μD = 1/λD is the Debye screening parameter, λD is the standard Debye length in Maxwellian plasma. In the limit κ → ∞, the kappa distribution functions become a simple Maxwellian function.

In this work, we are mainly interested in describing the behavior of resonance parameters (positions and widths) of positronic helium and positronic lithium under the influence of kappa-distribution plasmas. Resonances in positro–helium system using the model potential approach were first studied by Kar and Ho[21], who used the stabilization method (SM). Ren et al.[22] have performed a three-body calculation for the S-wave resonances in the positro–helium scattering in the hyperspherical coordinates by using the SM. Yu et al.[23] reported their investigation on resonances in e+–He scattering by using the momentum-space coupled-channel optical method. The first theoretical study of resonance phenomena for positro–lithium scattering in a vacuum was carried out by Ward et al.[24], who used the close-coupling approach. Roy and Ho[25,26] calculated the resonance parameters in positro–lithium scattering using the SM based on the model potential approach and Hylleraas-type basis functions. Han et al.[27] calculated S-wave resonances in positronic lithium using the SM in the framework of hyperspherical coordinate. Liu et al.[28] have calculated the resonances for positronic Li using the momentum-space coupled-channel optical method. In plasma environments, the recent calculations of S-wave resonances in positro–helium system and positro–lithium system under the Debye screening were performed by Ghoshal and Ho[29,30] using SM.

In the present investigation, we use the stabilization method[3133] to extract the S-wave resonance parameters (both positions and widths) for the proposed systems below the Ps(2s) threshold. Hylleraas-type wave functions are used to represent the correlation effects between the outer electron, the positron and the core. We obtain the resonance parameters for different values of spectral index κ and Debye screening parameter μD. All of the calculations are performed on IBM machines by using quadruple precision arithmetic in the CENT operating system.

2. Calculations

The non-relativistic Hamiltonian for positro–helium and positro–lithium systems in kappa-distribution plasma is given by[14,15,21,25,26] with where r1 and r2 denote, respectively, the radial coordinate of electron and positron with respect to core. The Ve (r1 ) and Ve+ (r2 ) are used to represent the model potentials for interactions between the active electron and the respective ionic cores, and the positron and the respective cores, respectively. The well-tested explicit expressions for Ve (r1 ) and Ve+ (r2) can be considered as[3441] where A = Z − 1. In this study, we set B = 1.6559, C = 1.7212 for e+–Li[25] system and B = C = 2.601 for e+–He[21] system. Using these model potentials, the energies for the (1s2s 1S, 1s2p 1P) states of helium and (1s22s 2S, 1s22p 2P) states of lithium obtained from this calculations for free-atomic system are (−0.14595, −0.12548) a.u. (the unit a.u. is short for atomic unit) and (−0.19814, −0.12993) a.u., respectively, which are in good agreement with the experimental values (−0.14595, 0.12383) a.u.[21] and (−0.19814, −0.13024) a.u..[25] It is important to mention here that we set the same values of the parameters B and C in the model potentials for the free-atomic systems and the screening environments as recommended in the earlier studies.[38,39,42,43]

To represent the correlation effect between the electron, positron and the core, we consider the Hylleraas-type basis functions in the form of[4446] where li, mi, and ni are positive integers or zero, and α is the nonlinear variational parameter, N is the number of basis terms. Here, N has been conveniently chosen to be the well-known relation N = (ω+1)(ω+2)(ω+3)/6.[4750] Note that we use the wave-functions(8) to calculate the S-state only and the total angular momentum is zero for the S-wave.

To calculate the Ps(2s) and He+(1s) threshold energy, we employ the Slater-type wavefunctions: Exploiting the model potential approach, we estimate the 1s22s 2S state energy of Li by using wavefunctions (9).

3. Results and discussion

In the present calculation, we have employed the SM[21,22,2527,2933,5053] to extract the resonance states of positro–helium and positro–lithium systems in kappa-distribution plasma. To extract resonance parameters with using the SM, in the first step, one needs to determine the energy levels precisely. In this work, we calculate the energy levels by diagonalizing the Hamiltonian with basis set (8). After calculating the energy levels E(α, μ, κ) for varying α for different values of μ and κ, we construct the stabilization diagrams by plotting E(α, μ, κ) versus α for fixed μ and κ. The resonance positions can be identified by observing the slowly decreasing energy levels at avoided crossings (e.g., as marked in red, see Fig. 1) in the stabilization diagrams. To extract the resonance energy Er and width Γ for a particular resonance state, we calculate the density of the resonance states by using the well-known formula[32] where the index i is the i-th varied value for αi, and the index n is for the n-th resonance. The αi−1 and αi + 1 are the (i − 1)-th and (i + 1)-th varied α values next to αi. Once the density of resonance states has been calculated by using formula (10), we plot the density of states versus E(α, μ, κ) and use the standard Lorentzian fitting formula having the baseline offset y0 and total area A where Er is the center of the peak and Γ denotes the full width at the half height of the peak. It is interesting to point out that we obtain the resonance energy Er and total width Γ by observing the best fitting in all the fittings at the avoided crossings for a particular resonance. In this way, we obtain the resonance parameters (Er, Γ) for each κ and μ. We perform the calculations with ω = 13 and N = 560 for different α values within 0.2–0.4. Figures 1 and 2 show the stabilization diagram and the best fitting of the density resonance state below the Ps(2s) threshold in positro–helium system in kappa-distribution plasma for κ = 6, μD = 0.01.

Fig. 1. (color online) Stabilization plot for the lowest S-wave resonance in positro–helium system in kappa-distribution plasma for κ = 6, μD = 0.01 (in unit a.u.). Red circles indicate avoided crossings.
Fig. 2. (color online) The best fitting (solid line) of calculated density of resonance states (circles) to the Lorentzian form for S-wave resonance of positro–helium system below Ps(2s) threshold in kappa distribution plasma for κ = 6, μD = 0.01 (in unit a.u.).

Similarly, Figures 3 and 4 show the stabilization diagram and the best fitting of the density resonance state below the Ps(2s) threshold in positro–lithium system in kappa-distribution plasma for κ = 6, μD = 0.01. All of the values of resonance parameters obtained from this work for different κ and μD are shown in Tables 1 and 2 and Figs. 58. To show the convergence with increasing the number of terms in the basis functions, we also include the results for ω = 12 and N = 455 for selected screening parameters in Tables 1 and 2.

Fig. 3. (color online) Stabilization plot for the lowest S-wave resonance of positro–lithium system in kappa-distribution plasma for κ = 6, μD = 0.01 (in unit a.u.).
Fig. 4. (color online) The best fitting (solid line) of calculated density of resonance states (circles) to the Lorentzian form for S-wave resonance of positro–lithium system below Ps(2s) threshold in kappa distribution plasma for κ = 6, μD = 0.01 (in unit a.u.).
Table 1.

Values of S-wave resonance energy Er and width Γ for positro–helium system below the Ps(2s) threshold in kappa-distribution plasma for selected spectral index κ and Debye screening parameter μD.

Table 2.

Values of S-wave resonance energy Er and width Γ for positro–lithium system below the Ps(2s) threshold in kappa-distribution plasma for selected spectral index κ and Debye screening parameter μD.


Table 1 shows the He+(1s 2S) state energies, He(1s2 1S) energies, the lowest resonance parameters for positro–helium system and the Ps(2s) threshold energies in kappa-distribution plasma in terms of κ and μD. Similarly, Table 2 displays the Li(1s22s 2S) state energies, the lowest resonance parameters for positro–lithium system and the Ps(2s) threshold energies in kappa-distribution plasmas in terms of κ and μD. In the tables, the energies are listed both in atomic units (a.u.) and electron volts (eV), and the resonance widths are presented in units a.u. and meV. To convert energies into eV, we estimate the energies of ground states of the respective atomic systems. As our model potential is related to the He+ core, the energy of the He+ core (as shown in Table 1 for each screening parameter) should be added to our results (as shown in Table 1) to obtain the total energy of a resonance. The total resonance energies Er and Ps(2s) threshold are converted into eV as measured from the He(1s2 1S) energies. We calculate the He (1s2 1S) energies for each screening parameters by using the Hylleraas-type basis functions in Eq. (8) within the framework of Ritz variational method. The He (1s2 1S) eigen energies are listed in Table 1. In Table 2, we convert the resonance energies Er and Ps(2s) threshold into eV relative to Li(1s22s 2S) state energies. We calculate the Li(1s22s 2S) energies by using the Slater-type orbitals (9) in the framework of model potential approach and the Li(1s22s 2S) energies for different screening parameters are listed in Table 2. Figures 5 and 6 display the surface plots of resonance energy Er and width Γ for positro–helium system each as a function of spectral index κ and Debye screening parameter μD. Figures 7 and 8 exhibit the same plots for positronic Li. It is seen evident from the figures and tables that the resonance parameters (in unit of eV) increase with κ increasing and decreases with μD increasing.

Fig. 5. (color online) Resonance energy for positro–helium system as a function of spectral index κ and Debye screening parameter μD (in unit eV).
Fig. 6. (color online) Resonance width for positro–helium system as a function of spectral index κ and Debye screening parameter μD (in unit meV).
Fig. 7. (color online) Plots of resonance energy for positro–lithium system as function of spectral index κ for different values of Debye screening parameter μD (in unit eV).
Fig. 8. (color online) Plots of resonance width for positro–lithium system as function of spectral index κ for different values of Debye screening parameter μD (in unit meV).

For the free-atomic system, the resonance parameters (Er, Γ) (in atomic units) of positro–helium system estimated from this calculation are (−0.076505, 0.00025) which is in agreement with the resonance parameters (−0.07653, 0.00025), (−0.07654, 0.00023), (0.07667, 0.00143), and (−0.076495, 0.00023) reported respectively by Kar and Ho,[21] Ren et al.,[22] Yu et al.,[23] Ghoshal and Ho.[29] The resonance parameters (Er, Γ) (in atomic units) of positron-lithium system obtained from this work are (−0.080476, 0.000194) which are comparable to the results (−0.080495, 0.000205), (−0.080658, 0.000202), and (−0.080454, 0.000193) reported, respectively, by Roy and Ho,[25] Han et al.,[27] Ghoshal and Ho.[30] Apart from this theoretical work, positronic He and Li are also of experimental interest.[54,55] For kappa-distribution plasma environments, there are no other theoretical researches of e+–He and e+–Li systems in the literature for comparison. At present, the theoretical results might be used for astrophysical plasma diagnostic purposes. In the future, positronic He or Li may be of experimental interest due to importance of kappa-distribution plasma in astrophysics and stellar atmosphere.

4. Summary and conclusions

In this work, we have investigated the S-wave resonances of positro–helium and positro–lithium systems in kappa-distribution plasma based on a simple and powerful variational stabilization method. The Hylleraas-type wave functions are used to represent the correlation effect between the charged particles. A model potential approach is used to represent the interactions between the outer electron, the positron and the core. We employ the Lorentzian fitting technique to extract resonance parameters. With applicability of Lorentzian (kappa-distribution) astrophysical plasmas[18] and with recent progress of atomic process in kappa-distribution plasmas,[1120] it is expected that our findings will contribute to further studies in positro–atom scattering phenomenon.

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