Effect of stochastic electromagnetic disturbances on autapse neuronal systems
Qu Liang-Hui1, 3, Du Lin1, †, Deng Zi-Chen1, 2, Cao Zi-Lu1, Hu Hai-Wei1
(color online) Spatiotemporal patterns of ring coupled neuronal network for different values of noise intensity for fixed external forcing current , feedback gain coefficient k=0.5, autaptic conductance g=0.1, delay time τ =10.0 ms, field coupling intensity g0 =1.0, noise intensity (a) D=0.12, (b) D=0.21, (c) D=0.5, and (d) D=1.0. Autapses are activated at t = 120 ms and electromagnetic disturbances are triggered at t = 500 ms.