Effects of 3.7 T–24.5 T high magnetic fields on tumor-bearing mice
Tian Xiaofei1, 2, Wang Ze1, 3, Zhang Lei1, Xi Chuanying1, Pi Li1, Qi Ziping1, Lu Qingyou1, 3, 4, ‡, Zhang Xin1, 2, §

(color online) The mice exposure system for 3.7 T–24.5 T ultra-high magnetic fields. (a) The BALB/c (nu/nu) mouse bearing GIST-T1 tumor, (b) the mice containers, (c) the inner mice tube, (d) the outer mice tube, (e, f) the design of the mice exposure system. Two identical sets were made, one used in the magnet as the experimental set (e) while the other was placed outside of the magnet to serve as the ‘Sham control’ (f). (g) Magnetic field intensity, field gradient, and the magnetic field intensity × field gradient for the center position of each mice container. (h) Magnetic field intensity distribution within the mice tube inside the magnet (water-cooled magnet #2 of Chinese High Magnetic Field Laboratory). (i) Magnetic field gradient distribution within the mice tube inside the magnet.