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Project supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant No. 11672087), the Strategic Programs for Innovative Research (SPIRE), the Computational Materials Science Initiative (CMSI), and the Yukawa International Program for Quark-Hadron Sciences at YITP, Kyoto University, Japan.
Besides graphite, diamond, graphene, carbon nanotubes, and fullerenes, there is another allotrope of carbon, carbyne, existing in the form of a one-dimensional chain of carbon atoms. It has been theoretically predicted that carbyne would be stronger, stiffer, and more exotic than other materials that have been synthesized before. In this article, two kinds of carbyne, i.e., cumulene and polyyne are investigated by the first principles, where the mechanical properties, electronic structure, optical and phonon properties of the carbynes are calculated. The results on the crystal binding energy and the formation energy show that though both are difficult to be synthesized from diamond or graphite, polyyne is more stable and harder than cummulene. The tensile stiffness, bond stiffness, and Young’s modulus of cumulene are 94.669 eV/Å, 90.334 GPa, and 60.62 GPa, respectively, while the corresponding values of polyyne are 94.939 eV/Å, 101.42 GPa, and 60.06 GPa. The supercell calculation shows that carbyne is most stable at N = 5, where N is the supercell number, which indicates that the carbon chain with 10 atoms is most stable. The calculation on the electronic band structure shows that cumulene is a conductor and polyyne is a semiconductor with a band gap of 0.37 eV. The dielectric function of carbynes varies along different directions, consistent with the one-dimensional nature of the carbon chains. In the phonon dispersion of cumulene, there are imaginary frequencies with the lowest value down to −3.817 THz, which indicates that cumulene could be unstable at room temperature and normal pressure.
A new type of carbon chains, called carbyne,[1] has received considerable attention in the community of materials because of its unique mechanical and electronic properties, and potential for applications in various fields, such as in nanoelectronic or spintronic devices[2–7] and hydrogen storage.[8] The chemical structure of carbyne is a chain of carbon atoms that are linked either by alternate triple and single bonds (–C≡C–)—i.e., polyyne—or by consecutive double bonds (=C=C=)—i.e., cumulene.[9] Carbyne is something of a mystery because astronomers believe that they have detected its signature in interstellar space. Chemists, in contrast, have been bickering for decades over whether they had ever created this material on the Earth.[10] A couple of years ago, however, chemists successfully synthesized carbyne chains of up to 44 atoms long in a solution,[11] which comprises an important step towards the realistic application of the material.
The possibility of the realization of stable carbynes in laboratories stimulates considerable theoretical attention and investigations. Some interesting features of carbynes have been revealed and discussed recently from the theoretical side. For example, it was predicted that carbynes could be stronger, stiffer, and more exotic than other known materials.[12] However, to the best of our knowledge, the need of a fully systematic investigation of the physical properties of carbynes is still to be met. In this paper, by means of the first-principles calculations, we systematically study the mechanical properties, electronic structure, optical and phonon properties of two kinds of carbynes. A comparison with other results is also provided. We hope that the work will be helpful in further understanding caybyne to make good use of it in the future.
First-principles calculations are performed with plane-wave ultrasoft pseudopotential by means of GGA with PW91 functional as implemented in the Cambridge sequential total energy package (CASTEP) code.[13] The ionic cores are represented by ultrasoft pseudopotential for C atoms. For C atom, the configuration is [He]2s22p2, where the 2s2 and 2p2 electrons are explicitly treated as valence electrons. The plane-wave cut-off energy is 380 eV, and the Brillouin-zone integration is performed over the 3 × 3 × 10 grid sizes using the Monkorst–Pack method for structure optimization. This set of parameters assures the total energy convergence of 5.0 × 10−6 eV/atom, the maximum force of 0.01 eV/Å, the maximum stress of 0.02 GPa, and the maximum displacement of 5.0 × 10−4 Å.
In the following sections, we perform calculations on carbynes after or without having optimized the geometry structure by the GGA-PW91.
Crystal binding energy W is defined as the energy difference (per atom) between the total energy E0 when the crystalline is stable for N atoms and the total energy of the N atoms EN when they are in a free state; i.e., W = (EN − E0)/N. For covalent crystals, a larger binding energy usually means more stable structure with higher melting-point and hardness. In our case, the energy of a free carbon atom is calculated to be −147.017951 eV. For cumulene, EN is given by the total energy of 2 free carbon atoms, while E0 for two carbon atoms is estimated to be −308.375891 eV. Thus the crystal binding energy reads W = [(−147.017951) × 2 − (−308.375891)]/2 = 7.1699945 eV. In contrast, for polyyne E0 = −308.378995 eV, leading to W = 7.1715465 eV. The values of W for cumulene and polyyne are consistent with previously reported values of W = 6.99–8.19 eV.[7] We may first conclude that both cumulene and polyyne are stable against free carbons due to positive W. Second, polyyne is more stable than cumulene with the energy gain of 1.55 meV per atom. This is consistent with the fact that the unit structure of cumulene (=C=C=) is known to undergo a Peierls transition into that of polyyne (–C≡C–).[9]
The stability of carbynes can be further examined by comparing the formation energy Ef with those of other carbon allotropes; i.e., diamond and graphite. The crystal formation energy Ef, is that the total energy of the covalent crystal, E0, subtracts total energy of the element crystalline. The total energy of diamond and graphite for two carbon atoms are calculated to be −309.873429 eV and −310.129136 eV, respectively. We can see that they are lower than Ef for both cumulene and polyyne, which underlines the difficulty of synthesizing carbynes from diamond or graphite. The significant energy difference also indicates a possible instability of carbynes at room temperature.
The most basic mechanical property of the carbyne chain is its tensile stiffness, which is defined as
Another mechanical property is the bond stiffness, which describes the change of the bond length between neighboring carbon atoms (d) with respect to an applied pressure (P). Taking the bond length at ambient pressure P0 to be d0, we expand the relative bond length (d/d0) up to the second order of P,
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The relation between stress and strain in cumulene can be studied from two aspects—i.e., either by studying the response of the bond length to different loads applied to the chain (as in Fig.
![]() | Fig. 3. (color online) (a) The strain and (b) the bulk modulus of cumulene as a function of tensile stress. |
![]() | Fig. 4. (color online) The tensile stress of cumulene as a function of (a) the cell length or (b) strain. |
The Young’s modulus of cumulene can be calculated from Fig.
In this subsection, we move to the discussion of the mechanical properties of polyyne. We first calculate the tensile and bond stiffness of polyyne using the same method as in cumulene. The results for the strain dependence of the total energy and band gap are shown in Fig.
For polyyne, we are especially interested in the change of the mechanical properties with respect to the fractional coordinate of the mid-carbon atom. In the unit cell of polyyne, regarding the two fixed ends, the fractional coordinate measures the relative position of the mid-carbon atom (here the length is 0.2566 nm). In doing this, we perform the calculation without geometry optimization (otherwise with the application of geometry optimization, polyyne will automatically change into cumulene). The results of the total energy and the band gap as a function of fractional coordinate are shown in Fig.
![]() | Fig. 6. (color online) (a) The total energy and (b) the band gap of polyyne as a function of the fractional coordinate without geometry optimization. |
A similar calculation starting from the side of cumulene without geometry optimization can also be performed. The result shows little quantitative difference compared with the case of polynne. We can see from Fig.
In this section, we discuss the impact of the adopting supercell number on the properties of polyyne and cumulene in our first-principles calculation. The results on polyyne are shown first, where the supercell number increases from 1 × 1 × 1 to 1 × 1 × 9. It is no surprise that the cell length linearly increases with the supercell number N (Fig.
![]() | Fig. 8. (color online) (a) The cell length, (b) band gap, (c) bulk modulus, and (d) final energy in polyyne changing with the supercell number N. |
The results for the effect of the supercell number in cumulene after geometry optimization are summarized in Fig.
![]() | Fig. 9. (color online) The changes of (a) the band gap and (b) total energy in cumulene with the supercell number. |
In the following calculation, we set the supercell of polyyne to be 1 × 1 × 5 because it is the most stable configuration. We study the deformation under the unidirectional tensile stress. The calculation parameters are set as c = 2.566 × 5 = 12.830 Å, GGA-PW91, ultrafine, modulus-conserving, 72 empty bands, while keeping the fractional coordinates of the mid-carbon atoms, three right angles, and a/b cell length unchanged. With the pull value (tensile stress) growing from 0 to 2.5 GPa, we obtain the band gap, bulk modulus, final energy, and strain of polyyne after geometry optimization. The results are shown in Fig.
![]() | Fig. 10. (color online) (a) The band gap, (b) bulk modulus, (c) final energy, and (d) strain of polyyne changing with tensile stress. |
From Fig.
Next, similar to the discussion for cumulene in Section
The band structure along high-symmetry points in the Brillouin zone and the density of states (DOS) are shown in Fig.
The complex dielectric function ε contains a real part ε1 and an imaginary part ε2. The imaginary part ε2, which is related to the real part of optical conductivity, can be calculated from the band structure directly by taking into account inter-band transitions, while the real part ε1 can then be obtained by employing the Kramers–Kronig relations.[14] Figure
The low-energy part of the phonon dispersion of cumulene and its DOS obtained by GGA-PW91 are shown in Fig.
![]() | Fig. 14. (color online) (a) The low-energy part of the phonon dispersion and (b) the phonon DOS of cumulene obtained by GGA-PW91. |
Some thermodynamic quantities obtained by GGA-PW91, including the enthalpy (which is just the summation of the Gibbs free energy and a term given by the product of temperature and entropy, T*entropy), Gibbs free energy, entropy, and the heat capacity of the cumulene, are shown in Fig.
The band structure along high-symmetry points in the Brillouin zone and the DOS are shown in Fig.
We calculate the mechanical properties, electronic band structure, optical and phonon properties of the two kinds of carbyne—i.e., cumulene and polyyne—by first principles. The mechanical properties including the tensile stiffness, bond stiffness, and Young’s modulus show similar behaviors, while quantitatively, polyyne turns out to be more stable and harder than cumulene. The results on the electronic band structure show that cumulene is a conductor and polyyne is a semiconductor. The supercell calculation suggests that carbyne is most stable when the supercell number N = 5. The dielectric function of carbynes varies in different directions, which is consistent with the one-dimensional nature of the carbon chains. The presence of the imaginary frequencies in the phonon dispersion of cumulene indicates that cumulene might be unstable at room temperature and normal pressure.
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