Surface plasmon polariton nanolasers: Coherent light sources for new applications*

Project supported by Grant Nos. MOST 1042221E009096MY3, MOST 1042923E009003MY3, MOST 1032221E019028MY3, MOST 1062917I564021, and MOST 1052221E019049MY3.

Chou Yu-Hsun1, Chang Chia-Jui2, Lin Tzy-Rong3, 4, Lu Tien-Chang2, †

(color online) (a) The absolute permittivity summation of Al and ZnO as a function of wavelength. The shaded area is the typical exciton emission wavelength from 77 K to 300 K. (b) Normalized propagation length and the confinement factor. (c) Normalized transparency gain. Adapted by permission from the American Chemical Society[65] copyright 2016.