Surface plasmon polariton nanolasers: Coherent light sources for new applications*

Project supported by Grant Nos. MOST 1042221E009096MY3, MOST 1042923E009003MY3, MOST 1032221E019028MY3, MOST 1062917I564021, and MOST 1052221E019049MY3.

Chou Yu-Hsun1, Chang Chia-Jui2, Lin Tzy-Rong3, 4, Lu Tien-Chang2, †

(color online) (a) Schematic of spaser structure demonstrated by Noginov et al. Organic dye provides the optical gain for plasmons generated with Au and stimulates coherent emissions.[17] (b) The spasing model proposed by Stockman.[18] Energy from external excitation generates e–h pairs, which then relax to the exciton level. Excitons with large momentum will transfer their energy to the dark plasmon mode and start the spasing process. The plasmon mode can also couple to the photon mode if the environmental dielectric condition allows. The corresponding photon will carry the same characteristics from the plasmon, resulting in a coherent emission.