Effects of edge hydrogenation and Si doping on spin-dependent electronic transport properties of armchair boron–phosphorous nanoribbons
Zhao Hong1, Peng Dan-Dan1, He Jun1, †, Li Xin-Mei1, Long Meng-Qiu1, 2, ‡

(color online) (a) Structure of 7-ABPNR along z aixs, the red dashed rectangle represents the unit cell. (b)–(d) Band structures of 6-ABPNR, 7-ABPNR, and 8-ABPNR, the black and red lines refer to up-spin and down-spin states, respectively. (e) DOS and PDOS of 7-ABPNR in FM state. Pink, orange, and white balls denote B, P, and H atoms, respectively.