Spin switching in antiferromagnets using Néel-order spin-orbit torques
Wadley P, Edmonds K W†,

(color online) Illustration of the current-induced effective magnetic field and spin–orbit torque T acting on a magnetic moment [panels (a) and (b)] or a pair of antiferromagnetically coupled moments [Panels (c)–(e)]. (a) and (c) Field-like torque; (b) and (d) Damping-like torque; (e) Néel-order field-like torque for magnetic moments which are inversion partners about the point labelled by an orange sphere. For the field-like torques, the effective field is along the direction given by the local current-induced spin polarization σ, while for the damping-like torques it is along the direction given by . The green curved arrows indicate the direction of rotation of the magnetic moments. (f) Scheme for switching the AF staggered magnetization between two orthogonal easy axes using the Néel-order fields and induced by currents and applied along orthogonal directions.