Elastocaloric effect and mechanical behavior for NiTi shape memory alloys
Zhou Min1, †, Li Yu-Shuang2, Zhang Chen2, Li Lai-Feng1, ‡

(color online) Measured temperature changes of NiTi alloys in the loading and unloading process with an applied strain of 7%. The open triangles correspond to the measured values of trained poly-crystalline NiTi alloy with applied strain of 5.5%.[28] Open cycles correspond to the measured values of the poly-crystalline Ni50.8Ti49.2 alloy with applied strain of 4%.[31] Open diamonds correspond to measured values of poly-crystalline NiTi wires with applied strain of 8%.[15] The open down-triangles correspond to measured values of NiTi films with applied strain of 6%.[30] Open stars correspond to the measured values in [148] orientation of NiTi single crystals with applied strains of 4%[29] and 4.25%.[23]