Study on the phase transition of the fractal scale-free networks
Meng Qing-Kuan, Feng Dong-Tai, Sun Yu-Ping, Zhou Ai-Ping, Sun Yan, Tan Shu-Gang, Gao Xu-Tuan

The relationship between the Binder’s cumulant U(K) and the parameter K(K = J/kT). The size of the initial network is N = 800 (solid square ■), and the tree-like skeleton satisfies the relation , while the local link probability is p = 0.8212. For the renormalized networks, the block scales are (square □) and (triangle ) respectively. It is found that the critical point is . The numerical results are the average over network realizations and renormalizations. For every network realization, there are 10 times of spin flipping processes. In every spin flipping process, there are up to timesteps of spin flipping through the whole system.