Recent progress on magnetic-field studies on quantum-spin-liquid candidates
Ma Zhen1, Ran Kejing1, Wang Jinghui1, Bao Song1, Cai Zhengwei1, Li Shichao1, Wen Jinsheng1, 2, †

(color online) (a) Low-temperature plot of κxx/T as a function of T2 of dmit-131 (circles), dmit-221 (diamonds), and κ-(ET)2Cu2(CN)3 (squares). The inset shows κ/T plotted as a function of T. (b) Field dependence of κ normalized by the zero-field value, [κxx(H) − κxx(0)]/κxx(0) of dmit-131 at low temperatures. Upper left inset shows a schematic of the measurement setup. The lower left inset shows thermal-Hall angle tan /( ) as a function of the field value μ0H at 0.23 K (triangles), 0.70 K (circles), and 1.0 K (diamonds). κxy and are the thermal-Hall conductivity and phonon-contributed thermal conductivity, respectively. From Ref. [54].