Scanning the energy dissipation process of energetic materials based on excited state relaxation and vibration–vibration coupling*

Project supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant Nos. 21573094, 11274142, 11474131, 11574112, and 51502109), the National Found for Fostering Talents of Basic Science, China (Grant No. J1103202), the Science Challenging Program (Grant No. JCKY2016212A501), and China Scholarship Council (CSC) during a visit of Ning Sui (Grant No. 201706175038) to MPIA is also acknowledged.

Wang Wen-Yan1, Sui Ning1, Zhang Li-Quan1, Wang Ying-Hui1, †, Wang Lin1, Wang Quan1, Wang Jiao1, Kang Zhi-Hui1, Yang Yan-Qiang3, Zhou Qiang2, Zhang Han-Zhuang1, ‡

(color online) (a) The dynamic curve containing the Gaussian curve (orange line); (b) the relaxation curve involving exponential decay curve (black square), oscillation signal (red circle), dephasing component (blue line), and the amplitude relaxation of oscillation signal (green line); (c) the result of the Fourier transformation of the oscillation component as shown in panels (b); (d) the coupling mechanism of v1 (682 cm−1), v2 (854 cm−1), v3 (1006 cm−1), and v4 (1023 cm−1) vibrational modes in the nitrobenzene. Inset: The total signal relaxation curve in logarithmic coordinate.