Speckle reduction by selective spatial-domain mask in digital holography*

Project supported by Guangdong Provincial Science and Technology Plan Project of China (Grant Nos. 2015B010114007 and 2014B050505020).

Liang Ming-Da, Chen Li, Hu Yi-Hua, Lin Wei-Tao, Chen Yong-Hao

(color online) The distributions of ENL and P[0,50]P[200,255] from 1500 sub-reconstructed images. The black, red, green, blue, yellow, and magenta lines represent ENL, P[0,50], P[50,100], P[100,150], P[150,200], and P[200,255], respectively. (a) The object is dice; (b) the object is coin. The vertical axis has been quantified for better comparison.