Design of multi-band metasurface antenna array with low RCS performance*

Project supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant Nos. 61471389, 61701523, and 61671464).

Wang Si-Ming, Gao Jun, Cao Xiang-Yu, Zheng Yue-Jun, Li Tong, Lan Jun-Xiang, Ji-Di Liao-Ri

(color online) Simulated and measured radiation properties and RCS reduction of MS antenna array. (a) Reflection coefficients S11. 2D radiation patterns at (b) 5.0 GHz, (c) 5.4 GHz, (d) 6.0 GHz, and (e) 6.3 GHz. (f) RCS reduction with 0° for x- and y-polarized incidences.