Shim coil design for Halbach magnet by equivalent magnetic dipole method*

Project supported by the State Key Development Program for Basic Research of China (Grant No. 2014CB541602), the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant Nos. 51677008 and 51707028), and the Fundamental Research Funds of Central Universities, China (Grant No. 106112015CDJXY150003).

Wu Jia-Min1, Xu Zheng1, †, Guo Pan2, ‡, Qi Jin-Feng1, He Yu-Cheng1

(color online) Diagrams of the magnetic field distribution of (a) Y shim coil on ZOY plane, (b) X shim coil on ZOX plane, (c) Z shim coil on XOZ plane, (d) X2Y2 shim coil on XOY plane, (e) XY shim coil on XOY plane, (f) YZ shim coil on ZOY plane, (g) XZ shim coil on ZOX plane, and (h) 2Z2X2Y2 shim coil on YOX plane.