A new four-dimensional hyperjerk system with stable equilibrium point, circuit implementation, and its synchronization by using an adaptive integrator backstepping control
Singh J P1, †, Pham V T2, Hayat T3, 4, Jafari S5, Alsaadi F E6, Roy B K1

(color online) (a) Coexistence of chaotic and point attractors with (x(0),y(0),z(0),w(0)) = (0,0, ± 1,0)) (red, blue), (b) coexistence of period-1 and chaotic attractors with (x(0),y(0),z(0),w(0)) = (0,0, ± 0.2,0) (red, blue), (c) coexistence of period-2 and chaotic attractors with (x(0),y(0),z(0),w(0)) = (0, 0, ± 0.5,0) (blue, red) of system (1) a = 2.60, b = 1.43, c = 2.18, d = 6.11, f = 2.65, and g = 1.74.