Project supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant Nos. 51661020, 11504149, and 11364024), the Postdoctoral Science Foundation of China (Grant No. 2014M560371), and the Funds for Distinguished Young Scientists of Lanzhou University of Technology, China (Grant No. J201304).
Project supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant Nos. 51661020, 11504149, and 11364024), the Postdoctoral Science Foundation of China (Grant No. 2014M560371), and the Funds for Distinguished Young Scientists of Lanzhou University of Technology, China (Grant No. J201304).
† Corresponding author. E-mail:
Project supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant Nos. 51661020, 11504149, and 11364024), the Postdoctoral Science Foundation of China (Grant No. 2014M560371), and the Funds for Distinguished Young Scientists of Lanzhou University of Technology, China (Grant No. J201304).
Based on the Cahn–Hilliard phase field model, a three-dimensional multiple-field coupling model for simulating the motion characteristics of a rising bubble in a liquid is established in a gas–liquid two-phase flow. The gas–liquid interface motion is simulated by using a phase-field method, and the effect of the electric field intensity on bubble dynamics is studied without electric field, or with vertical electric field or horizontal electric field. Through the coupling effect of electric field and flow field, the deformation of a single rising bubble and the formation of wake vortices under the action of gravity and electric field force are studied in detail. The correctness of the results is verified by mass conservation, and the influences of different electric field directions and different voltages on the movement of bubbles in liquid are considered. The results show that the ratio of the length to axis is proportional to the strength of the electric field when the air bubble is stretched into an ellipsoid along the electric field line under the action of electrostatic gravity and surface tension. In addition, the bubble rising speed is affected by the electric field, the vertical electric field accelerates the bubble rise, and the horizontal direction slows it down.
In nature and engineering applications, bubble rising in a viscous fluid subjected to an imposed electric field is a common and abundant gas–liquid two-phase hydrodynamic phenomenon, playing a crucial role in boiling heat transfer and gas–liquid flow.[1–4] So far, the motion characteristics of the rising bubble without electric field have been extensively studied experimentally, theoretically, and numerically. A number of numerical methods have been proposed for complex gas–liquid interface motion deformation and topological changes. The existing methods can be divided into two major categories: interface tracking[5] and interface capture.[6]
The interface tracking method is based on Lagrange’s theory and uses dynamic grid technology to determine the phase interface by tracking the mesh on the interface. This method has more grid reconstruction work and a large amount of computation. Based on Euler’s theory, the interface capture method uses a fixed grid to calculate the twophase liquid, and a scalar indication function is used to identify and reconstruct the phase interface at each step in time. More mature methods of interface capture include the widespread use of volume of fluid (VOF) method, the level set method, and phase field methods. The VOF method[7] uses the volume of fluid to determine the free surface to track the fluid change, but the interface reconstruction is very complicated. The level set method[8] determines the fluid boundary location by defining a distance function, which can easily track the topological structure of the object. The phase field method[9,10] is the most promising method of solving multiphase flow problems. It uses the phase field variable to obtain the information about the interface layer and does not directly track the change of the interface between two fluids. The evolution of phase variable is controlled by the 4order partial differential Cahn–Hilliard equation. The surface tension is equivalent to the product of the gradient of the field variable and the chemical potential, and it is added into the Navier–Stokes equation as a volume force.
Recently, the movement of bubble under the action of electric field has gradually become a research focus. Marco et al.[11] studied the influences of the electric and gravity field on the separation and movement of bubble experimentally. It was found that the bubble did not fall off at low gas flow rate without electric field; at higher gas flows, even in the absence of buoyancy, the dynamic effect was enough to cause bubble separation. Peng et al.[12] solved the continuity equation of incompressible fluid by adding the momentum equation and VOF equation of electric field force, and obtained the process of detaching single bubble from the wall under the electric field. It was found that the bubble detachment time decreased in the electric field and elongated along the direction of the electric field. Andalib et al.[13] studied the effects of uniform and non-uniform DC electric fields on the motion and deformation of a single bubble in a dielectric liquid medium. It was found that in the case of thick bubble, the electro dynamic force is negligible compared with the high hydrodynamic instability, and the electro hydro dynamic (EHD) flow plays an important role in controlling the motion. Based on the assumption of peristaltic flow, Chen et al.[14] calculated the velocity field distribution inside and outside the bubble under the action of electric field, and compared it with the velocity field without electric field but with incoming flow.
In general, most of the previous researches focused largely on the effect of EHD on solid wall separated bubbles, but less attention was paid to the effect of the electric field intensity and direction on the rising bubble.
In this paper, a three-dimensional (3D) phase field model is established to study the dynamic characteristics of a single bubble in gravitational field. The floating process of bubble under the action of electric field is simulated by the coupling of flow field and electric field to study the shape and dynamic evolution of the rising bubble in the electric field.
The compressibility of the two phases is neglected, so the mass conservation of the whole simulation domain, including the bulk phase and its interface, can be expressed as follows:
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The fluid motion is described by Navier–Stokes equations[15–17] for incompressible fluid under the action of gravitational force, electric field force, and surface tension. According to the Newton’s second law of motion, the momentum conservation equation is
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In the study of ascending movement of dispersed phase bubble, the interface change between dispersed phase and continuous phase is the key to research. In this paper, the phase field method is used to simulate and track the movement of the gas–liquid interface. The phase field method is used to describe the dynamics of gas–liquid twophase flow by Cahn–Hilliard equation,[18,19] the equation is given as follows:
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For the two-phase flow interface, the electric force needs to be specified. The bubble under the action of the electrostatic field F can be given by the divergence of the Maxwell stress tensor T as[22]
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Therefore, the electric field force Fcan be expressed as
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The relationship between the electric field strength E and the potential V is
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Since the dynamic current generated by the dynamics is small, the effect of the magnetic effect can be neglected. Therefore, the electric field can be regarded as a non-rotating field. Then the potential of any point can be solved according to the Laplace equation[25,26] with a variable permittivity
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In this numerical simulation, there are corresponding flow parameters that can characterize the two-phase mixture. For the average flow density ρ (ϕ), viscosity coefficient μ(ϕ), and relative permittivity ε(ϕ) in the preceding equation, the simulation formulas are as follows:
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The following dimensionless parameters are used to describe the motion characteristics of the bubble: the Eotvos number E0, the Morton number M0, the Reynolds number Re, and the Weber number We,
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The rising bubble in the liquid is simulated and the whole system is considered to be affected by external electric fields (horizontal electric field EX and vertical electric field EZ). The motion area of the bubble is shown in Fig.
The main geometric parameters of the simulation are shown in Fig.
![]() | Fig. 2. (color online) Schematic diagram of two-dimensional geometrical model in numerical simulation. |
The flow field of the bubble is studied as a low Reynolds number flow field with a density ratio between two phases of 1000 and a viscosity ratio of 100. The main physical parameters used in the simulation are listed in Table
![]() | Table 1. Material properties in the model. . |
![]() | Fig. 3. (color online) Bubble rising without electric field: (a) t = 0 s, (b) t = 0.08 s, (c) t = 0.12 s, (d) t = 0.18 s. |
In order to better observe the direction and change of velocity caused by bubble motion, the velocity vector around the magnified bubble is shown in Fig.
The conservation of mass in the process of bubble movement is an important basis for studying the reliability and accuracy of numerical results. Since there is no reaction nor flow passing through the boundary, the total mass of each fluid should be constant. Figure
The effect of the vertical electric field (the electric field applied in the Z direction) on the rising bubble is studied. The bubble of radius R = 30 mm under each of three different voltages (250000 V, 350000 V, and 500000 V) is simulated by the combination of buoyancy, electrodynamics, and gravity in fluid, and the bubble deformation and velocity field are numerical simulated.
In order to quantitatively study the effect of electric field on the rising bubble, figure
![]() | Fig. 7. (color online) Time-dependent bubble top positions under different vertical electric fields. |
We define the aspect ratio of the bubble as α = W/H as shown in Fig.
![]() | Fig. 9. (color online) Bubble deformation diagram at t = 0.2 s under different vertical electric field voltages of (a) 0 V, (b) 250000 V, (c) 350000 V, and (d) 500000 V. |
![]() | Table 2. Bubble shape parameters at t = 0.2 s under different vertical electric fields. . |
The dynamic process of bubble rising under the horizontal electric field (the electric field applied in the X direction) is studied. The voltage parameters are set to be 250000 V, 350000 V, and 400000 V, respectively.
In order to quantitatively study the effect of electric field on rising bubble, as previously described, figure
In order to better compare the influence of electric field direction on rising bubble, the time taken for the bubble to rise to the top of the region is shown in Fig.
![]() | Table 3. Bubble shape parameters at t = 0.2 s under horizontal electric field. . |
We know that during the rising of the bubble, the excessive movement of the lower gas will squeeze the upper gas and cause it to move to the left and right sides to form two arc-shaped bulges. The bubble forms a crescent arc as a whole. This study finds that when the voltage intensity is particularly high, the tail of the bubble is dragged to form a wake. As time goes on, the left and right two gas snare bags will eventually split out of the mainbody air bubble, becoming two separate small bubbles, while the remaining mainbody part of the bubble will continue to move upwards at a certain speed as shown in Fig.
It is difficult to solve the problem by using the traditional method, and the computational efficiency is low when the bubble rises in the liquid under the action of electric field. In this paper, the phase-field method is used to simulate the gas–liquid two-phase flow. The coupling effect of electric field and phase field on the bubble deformation and dynamic behavior in static liquid is studied. From the present study, some conclusions can be drawn as follows.
(i) A series of dynamic processes of bubble rising and deforming in liquid is simulated and the external flow field induced by the bubble rising process is obtained.
(ii) The feasibility of the model is verified by the conservation of the bubble mass in the rising process, and the effect is better.
(iii) The presence of a vertical electric field increases the rate at which bubbles rise in the liquid, and causes the bubbles to deform into a flat shape with a smaller width/height ratio, whereas a horizontal electric field is reversed.
(iv) The study of bubble rising under the action of horizontal electric field shows that the bubble does not rise when the bubble rising buoyancy force is almost negligible compared with the electric field force, and it is deformed due to the electric field force at the original place.
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