Observation of 550 MHz passively harmonic mode-locked pulses at L-band in an Er-doped fiber laser using carbon nanotubes film
Huang Qianqian1, Zou Chuanhang1, Wang Tianxing1, 5, Araimi Mohammed Al2, 3, 4, Rozhin Aleksey2, 3, Mou Chengbo1, †

(color online) The performances of the pulses under 202 mW: (a) pulse train at the 54th harmonic (inset: pulse train with the span of 0.2 μs), (b) optical spectrum centered at 1595.54 nm, (c) RF spectra with 3.2 GHz span and 10 kHz resolution bandwidth (RBW) (inset: RF spectrum within the range of 1 MHz), and (d) the measured autocorrelation trace.