High-power linearly-polarized tunable Raman fiber laser*

Project supported by the Fok Ying-Tong Education Foundation, China (Grant No. 151062).

Song Jiaxin, Wu Hanshuo, Xu Jiangming, Zhang Hanwei, Ye Jun, Wu Jian, Zhou Pu

(color online) (a) Schematic diagram of the linearly polarized tunable Raman fiber laser. (b) Detailed configuration of the tunable pump source. WDM: wavelength division multiplexer. GDF: germanium-doped fiber. DM: dichroic mirror. PBS: polarization beam splitter. PM: power meter. LD: laser diode. YDF: ytterbium-doped fiber. OTF: optical tunable filter. ISO: isolator. PM: polarization maintaining. AMP: amplifier.