Laser frequency offset-locking using electromagnetically induced transparency spectroscopy of 85Rb in magnetic field
Wang Han-Mu1, 2, Cheng Hong1, 2, Zhang Shan-Shan1, 2, Xin Pei-Pei1, 2, Xu Zi-Shan1, 2, Liu Hong-Ping1, 2, †

(color online) (a) Experimental setup for frequency offset-locking using EIT and (b) the related transition energy levels. ISO: optical isolator; λ/2: half-wave plate; PBS: polarization beam splitter; SAS: saturated absorption spectroscopy; PM: permanent magnet; PD: photo detector; LIA: locking-in amplifier. Note that the parts in the dotted frame are not necessary for the offset-locking. They are used to evaluate the stability of the offset-locking. See text for details.