Ultra-compact graphene plasmonic filter integrated in a waveguide Project supported by the National Basic Key Research Program of China (Grant No. 2015CB932400), the National Key Research and Development Program of China (Grant No. 2016YFA0201600), the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant Nos. 51372045, 11504063, and 11674073), the Key Program of the Bureau of Frontier Sciences and Education, Chinese Academy of Sciences (Grant No. QYZDBSSW- SLH021), and the Science and Technology Projects of Beijing City, China (Grant No. Z161100002116016). |
(color online) (a) Graphene plasmon (GP) transmission spectra on graphene ribbon (green), filter (blue), and broken graphene ribbon (orange). l = 40 nm, d = 40 nm, W = 50 nm, and EF = 0.35 eV. Red dots denote the coupled mode theory results for the filter. Insets are the sketch maps of the graphene waveguide. (b)–(d) Ez field distribution around the filter at 19.41 THz (peak 1), 27.26 THz (dip), and 31.69 THz (peak 2). (e) Hz field distribution at 31.69 THz (peak 2). The cavity can be regarded as a ring resonator, and Li and Lo are the inner and outer perimeters of the cavity. τs stands for scattering loss between the waveguide and cavity. Es represents the amplitudes of the electric field of the resonant modes around the hole. |
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